Header navigation

Please paste the code bellow to display the featured jobs from spotsndots!

<div id="jobiqo_job_widget"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function executeJobiqoJobWidget() {
                    endpointUrl: '',
                    autocompleteUrl: '',
                    baseUrl: '',
                   frontend: 'frontend=spotsndots',
                    jobAmount: 10,
                    jobListColumns: {
                        large: 3,

                    showSearchBar: false, // if you want to display search bar.
                    googleApiKey: '123', // Fill in the google api key or remove line if you don't need this.
                    utmParameters: {
                        source: '',
                        medium: 'jobwidget',
                        campaign: 'launch',
                    styles: {
                        fontFamily: '"Montserrat",Sans-serif',
                        titleColor: 'green',
                        hoverColor: 'blue',
                        locationColor: 'pink',
                        occupationColor: 'orange',
                        titleFontSize: '20px',
                        locationFontSize: '11px',
                        occupationFontSize: '12px',
                        hideLogos: false,
                        hideOrganizationNames: false,
                        searchbarButton: {
                            background: 'orange',
        <script src="" type="text/javascript" onload="executeJobiqoJobWidget()" async></script>